Custom Build Service in Linux

- 4 mins read
In today’s microblog, I am going to focus on creating a custom build service in Linux. The idea here is NOT to re-invent the wheel, but rather to: learn how build services work and document my learning(s) publicly.

How to Create Key Pair for Github

- 2 mins read
Today, I’m diving into the process of creating an SSH key-pair to authenticate with GitHub. While there are plenty of fantastic guides out there on this topic, I’m writing this to solidify my understanding and share my journey.

How to Deploy to S3 With Github Actions

- 2 mins read
Let’s go on a journey of automically building Hugo artefacts and deployment on AWS S3 with Github Actions. First, I will briefly outline the process, followed by a focus on how to achieve it with GitHub Actions.

Hugo Is Awesome

- 1 min read
Why? This article reflects my rough thoughts behind creating this blog. I have finally started learning the Amazon Web Services (AWS) for my DevOps journey.